Heather Clarke: The Rise from Backstage to Olympic Games before Sydney Opera House Legacy!

Episode 207

Heather Clarke An Eventful Life Podcast

This week on An Eventful Life, we sit down with Heather Clarke, a trailblazer in the global event industry with nearly three decades of experience - from stage managing the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Opening & Closing Ceremonies to 15 years of at the Sydney Opera House culminating in the role of General Manager of Event Operations and Planning.

Heather's remarkable career began as a volunteer theatre stage manager, and today, she stands as the Precinct Manager for Walsh Bay and a distinguished board member of the Venue Management Association. Join us as Heather takes us on a journey through her illustrious career, sharing anecdotes from her time as the stage manager for Sydney 2000 Olympic Games Opening Ceremony, delivering Sydney Harbour's iconic New Year's Eve celebrations, and orchestrating the intricate details of the Sydney Opera House shows and events.

In this episode, Heather unveils the behind-the-scenes moments that define a career in event operations and planning. From witnessing Hugh Jackman's Flying fox mishap during an Oprah global broadcast to intimate unplugged sessions with Ed Sheeran and the challenges of handling unexpected mishaps like broken toilets in Sydney Harbour – Heather's stories are as diverse as the events she has expertly managed.

Whether you're an aspiring event professional or simply fascinated by the magic that unfolds behind the curtains, Heather's journey is a masterclass in turning passion into a thriving career.


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